An aircraft weighs more than air, and it needs neither wings nor a propeller. The only problem is too high weight of the power supply. In this work, I demonstrate a development of a simplest aircraft. In addition, I tried to design a very light high-voltage power supply. However, the apparatus cannot raise the weight of the power supply in the meanwhile. The principle of operation of such apparatus is known for over 80 years. The period of validity of the patents issued to Thomas Townsend Brown, the inventor of the technology, had expired long ago. Up to now, the technology was not duly developed. The additional information about the similar aircrafts is located at the web-sites:
The network feeding of 220 V AC as well as tension of +5V and +16BV are necessary for this feeding block, generating 30000 V. Tension of +16V may be non-stabilized, coming directly from the rectifier from the 12V AC transformer, whereas tension of +5V is stabilized with the help of the chip 78L05. This power source has a high capacity; thus, it is more dangerous than weak converter on TV transformers. Once a spark-punch at the grounded object has happened and several domestic electronic devices burnt off as the result of a short impulse in the electric network. The power inverter of the smaller size is made according to the same principle. The miniature power inverter, assigned for the gas-discharging lamps, is fed from the battery 9-18V and generates the alternating tension 800V. The AC power is supplied to the multiplier, made out of 102 diodes 1N4007 and 102 SMD condensers 10nF-2000V. The weight of the module is 36 g. The power is appr. 2W.
Aleksey Zaitsevsky, 2008, |